Property Building in Waikiki Heritage Hotel

Waikiki Heritage Hotel


ようこそWaikiki Heritage Hotelへ!ホノルルの美しいビーチからほんの少し離れた、あなたの居心地の良いハワイの隠れ家です!260 Beach Walkに位置するこの魅力的な2つ星ホテルは、スリルを求める旅行者や日光浴を楽しむ方にとって完璧なスポットで、驚くべきスタート価格の$89で宿泊できます。賑やかな市中心部まで2.5マイルの距離なので、ビーチの日を楽しみながら活気あるホノルルの生活を味わうことができます。

Waikiki Heritage Hotelが誇る無料のシュノーケリングや屋外プールでの水遊びの世界に飛び込んでください。無料Wi-Fi、エアコン完備の禁煙ルーム、完全装備の簡易キッチンなどの素晴らしいアメニティが揃っているので、島のライフスタイルを楽しみながら、まるで自宅にいるかのようにくつろげます。ラウンジチェアを利用してビーチで日光浴をしたり、プライベートバルコニーからの息をのむような景色を楽しんだり、毎日の夕日が特別なイベントのように感じられます。

264人の満足したゲストからのホテルの輝かしい4つ星のレビューは、あなたを待っている温かい雰囲気と手入れの行き届いた施設について多くを語っています。美しい周囲を探索した後は、敷地内のレストランでリラックスし、島の冒険のために再びエネルギーを補充してください。アロハの精神を受け入れ、Waikiki Heritage Hotelで忘れられない思い出を作りましょう。楽園があなたのドアのすぐ外にあります!

Living room in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Living room, Bed in Waikiki Heritage Hotel



1 キングサイズベッド

2 ダブルベッド

King/2 Double Room





One Bedroom 1 King and Sofa Bed in Waikiki Heritage Hotel


1 ソファベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド


325 平方フィート

1ベッドルーム, キングサイズ, ソファーベッド





Studio 1 King or 2 Doubles in Waikiki Heritage Hotel


2 ダブルベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド


335 平方フィート

スタジオ, キング / ダブル2台






Waikiki Heritage Hotelでは、太陽の光を浴びた思い出はあなたのドアの前で止まることはありません。大人専用の屋外プールの温かさに飛び込んで、のんびりとした午後と爽やかな水浴びを楽しんでください。友達や特別な人を集めて、浅いエリアでリラックスしながら冷たい飲み物を楽しみましょう。きらめく水とトロピカルな雰囲気が、ハワイの体験を象徴する至福の逃避を作り出します。私たちを信じてください;ここは太陽を浴びてリラックスし、楽園でのもう一つの刺激的な夜の前にくつろぐのに最適な場所です!

太陽が地平線の下に沈むと、私たちの敷地内のレストラン、Steak Farmで味覚を楽しむ時間です。ここでは、あなたの味覚を歌わせること間違いなしの美味しいグリルBBQ料理を堪能できます。ジューシーなステーキや島のインスパイアを受けた美味しいサイドディッシュが食べたくなったら、私たちのメニューはあなたのダイニング体験を高めるために作られています!さらに、リラックスした雰囲気は、ビーチホッピングや冒険の一日を終えた後に他の旅行者と笑いと物語を共有するのに理想的な場所です—もしかしたら、新しい友達ができるかもしれません!

Lobby or reception, Seating Area in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Property building in Waikiki Heritage Hotel


日が暮れると、さまざまなグループサイズに対応できる快適な禁煙ルームの一つに退避してください。家族の再会を計画している場合でも、親密な休暇を考えている場合でも、あなたのニーズに合わせたさまざまなオプションが見つかります。そして、すべての部屋にはエアコンと完全装備の簡易キッチンが備わっているため、快適さと便利さの完璧な組み合わせが保証されます。荷物をまとめて、アロハの精神を抱きしめ、あなたのハワイの夢が待っているWaikiki Heritage Hotelでの楽しい滞在の準備をしましょう!

Bedroom, Bed in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Bedroom, Bed in Waikiki Heritage Hotel










Bathroom in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Bathroom in Waikiki Heritage Hotel


屋外, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア

Swimming Pool in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Swimming Pool in Waikiki Heritage Hotel


Steak Farm


Food and drinks in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Restaurant/places to eat in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
Swimming Pool in Waikiki Heritage Hotel
My third stay this year!! It’s not fancy but location and price are everything to me when in Waikiki and you can’t beat being on Beachwalk, close to da beach, CVS, Starbucks, Nakamura Ramen……..This visit I got a great deal on a poolside room which was my best stay so far. The front office gals Jeannie and Janice are always friendly, smiling and professional. So I got one more visit in November and of course, I will be checking into the Pagoda!!


On my favorite street in Waikiki, Beachwalk. It’s from the ‘60’s just think the original Hawaii 5-O……but very clean, convenient and so very close to the beach and the main drag Kalakaua Ave. and the price is about as cheapest as you can find. So if you don’t mind the not so fancy basics and outstanding location, the Pagoda is your hula hangout!! Aloha!


The Pagoda is all about location!! On Beachwalk, it is in the heart of Waikiki and so convenient and close to the beach, dining and shopping. It may be a relic of old Hawaii but the price can’t be beat and the staff very friendly. I have stayed here five times in the last nine months for a total of almost fifty nights!!


The location is very convenient to restaurants, beaches, and public transportation. The beds were comfortable. Nice fluffy towels. It was adequate for our visit to Honolulu from Hilo. No frills but good value since we were only there to sleep.


The property is one of the the few flashback hotels left in Waikiki. The walls are hollow tile so it is very quiet. It has a small kitchen but no cups or anything. The shower has good pressure and the bed is comfortable.


My third stay this year!! It’s not fancy but location and price are everything to me when in Waikiki and you can’t beat being on Beachwalk, close to da beach, CVS, Starbucks, Nakamura Ramen……..This visit I got a great deal on a poolside room which was my best stay so far. The front office gals Jeannie and Janice are always friendly, smiling and professional. So I got one more visit in November and of course, I will be checking into the Pagoda!!


On my favorite street in Waikiki, Beachwalk. It’s from the ‘60’s just think the original Hawaii 5-O……but very clean, convenient and so very close to the beach and the main drag Kalakaua Ave. and the price is about as cheapest as you can find. So if you don’t mind the not so fancy basics and outstanding location, the Pagoda is your hula hangout!! Aloha!


The Pagoda is all about location!! On Beachwalk, it is in the heart of Waikiki and so convenient and close to the beach, dining and shopping. It may be a relic of old Hawaii but the price can’t be beat and the staff very friendly. I have stayed here five times in the last nine months for a total of almost fifty nights!!


The location is very convenient to restaurants, beaches, and public transportation. The beds were comfortable. Nice fluffy towels. It was adequate for our visit to Honolulu from Hilo. No frills but good value since we were only there to sleep.


The property is one of the the few flashback hotels left in Waikiki. The walls are hollow tile so it is very quiet. It has a small kitchen but no cups or anything. The shower has good pressure and the bed is comfortable.


My third stay this year!! It’s not fancy but location and price are everything to me when in Waikiki and you can’t beat being on Beachwalk, close to da beach, CVS, Starbucks, Nakamura Ramen……..This visit I got a great deal on a poolside room which was my best stay so far. The front office gals Jeannie and Janice are always friendly, smiling and professional. So I got one more visit in November and of course, I will be checking into the Pagoda!!


On my favorite street in Waikiki, Beachwalk. It’s from the ‘60’s just think the original Hawaii 5-O……but very clean, convenient and so very close to the beach and the main drag Kalakaua Ave. and the price is about as cheapest as you can find. So if you don’t mind the not so fancy basics and outstanding location, the Pagoda is your hula hangout!! Aloha!


The Pagoda is all about location!! On Beachwalk, it is in the heart of Waikiki and so convenient and close to the beach, dining and shopping. It may be a relic of old Hawaii but the price can’t be beat and the staff very friendly. I have stayed here five times in the last nine months for a total of almost fifty nights!!


The location is very convenient to restaurants, beaches, and public transportation. The beds were comfortable. Nice fluffy towels. It was adequate for our visit to Honolulu from Hilo. No frills but good value since we were only there to sleep.


The property is one of the the few flashback hotels left in Waikiki. The walls are hollow tile so it is very quiet. It has a small kitchen but no cups or anything. The shower has good pressure and the bed is comfortable.



260 Beach Walk, Honolulu, 96815, ハワイ州, アメリカ

Waikiki Heritage Hotel